Thursday, May 9, 2013

Hello and welcome!


My name is June, I'm a stay at home mom to 5 wonderful children. Kianna is 10, Kody is 9, Katalina is 6, Kaden is 3 and Kameron is 6 months. I have been married to my husband, Jason for 10 years. We moved to a more country setting almost a year ago. We're planning on growing a lot of our own food and getting chickens for eggs asap.

I'm on Pinterest daily. I love all the DIY ideas, craft ideas, garden ideas, decorating ideas and my ultimate favorite thing on Pinterest is all the recipes.

I'm hoping to post about my day to day life. My struggles, challenges and whatever else may come my way.

My Pinterest

This picture is a recent picture of my baby wrapped up on my back and my 6yo daughter, Katalina. This is how we got some outside work done this day :)

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